2.2.20 LSZ


Common Nomenclature Lysergic Acid 2,4-Dimethylazetidide
Street & Reference Names Diazedine, Lambda
Reference Dosage Threshold 10ug+; Light 50ug+; Common 100ug+; Strong 200ug+ [Erowid]
Threshold 80ug+; Light 100ug+; Common 150ug+; Heavy 300ug+ [TripSit]
Threshold 50ug+; Light 100ug+; Common 150ug+; Strong 300ug+; Heavy 400ug+ [Psychonautwiki]
Anticipated: Onset / Duration 45 Minutes / 8 Hours
Maximum Dose Experienced 60ug+15ug
Form Blotter
RoA Oral
Source / Jurisdiction Internet / UK
Personal Rating On Shulgin Scale ++


This one is tricky: as in my personal inability to distinguish between the varying effects of the different lysergamides.

I understood that 75ug was a small dose, but I only possessed three blotters in total, and I wanted to test gently. Nonetheless, the familiar headspace soon emerged, as did a nice mood elevation.

It is commonly claimed that LSZ offers more introspection than its more popular sisters, LSD and AL-LAD. I looked for this, but didn’t really find it. Regardless, the few low-end trips I experienced were very enjoyable.

In retrospect, I should have gone higher whilst this was still on the market. Having stated this, I have no reason to believe that it would have produced a significantly different experience to that of its close relatives (see previous reports).