2.2.12 5-MEO-DIBF


Common Nomenclature 5-Methoxy-N,N-diisopropylbenzofuranethylamine
Street & Reference Names N/A
Reference Dosage Light 10mg+; Common20mg+; Strong 40mg+ [TripSit Oral]
Light 5mg+; Common 10mg+; Strong 15mg+ [TripSit Insufflated]
Anticipated: Onset / Duration 5 Minutes / 6 Hours [Insufflated]
45 Minutes / 9 Hours [Oral]
Maximum Dose Experienced 50mg
Form Powder / Pill
Form / RoA Oral
Source / Jurisdiction Internet / UK
Personal Rating On Shulgin Scale +


5-MEO-DIBF appeared on the market early in 2015, and was greeted fairly positively, although my own impression was more muted than most. I wrote the following comment on a forum at the time:

This delivered a psychedelic headspace, with a mild tactile tingly hornability feel. Urge to redose? It is difficult to say as this was always going to be a short gig, but I felt no real compulsion. I’m not sure where the estimates of a nine hour duration came from, as I seem to be floating down after just four. This was decent enough, and I enjoyed it more than most other recent releases. However, this isn’t saying much.

The last sentence of this probably sums it up quite well. On each occasion it created a general headspace, but other than this, did not appear to be remarkable or particularly interesting. In fairness, this equally applies to the other 5-meo compounds I have sampled.

Note that there were a few safety warnings in circulation at the time of testing, so caution is advised, certainly with respect to larger doses. Given my less than enthralling experiences and the doubts cast by these, I binned my remaining supply.