3.4.9 Indian Warrior

Indian Warrior #

Binomial / Botanical Name Pedicularis Densiflora
Street Names Warrior’s Plume; Lousewort
Major Active Compound Unknown
Indigenous Source Western North America
Form Flower Buds
RoA Oral / Smoked
Personal Rating On Shulgin Scale +* / +*


Indian warrior is native to the United States, with Wikipedia stating, more specifically, that:

“Indian warrior is native to California and Oregon in western North America and is found in chaparral, forests, California oak woodlands at low elevations.“

My supply, which was imported via a Californian vendor, came as dried purple-crimson buds. Unfortunately, o*n reflection, I don’t believe that I really did justice to it, although this wasn’t for a lack of will.

As always, I researched it well in advance, and passages like the following, from *inaturalist.org, provided encouragement:

“Indian Warrior is used as a tea or tincture to promote healthy immune function and its ability to relax tense muscles. The buds and flowers are often added to tea blends for their color, flavor, and relaxing properties. It is also found to be useful in the treatment of insomnia, as well as having antioxidant properties."

However, I also found a variety of reports (largely forum posts) associating it with liver toxicity, tumours, and other serious conditions. This red light was re-enforced by the fact that I didn’t find any references to indigenous or shamanic use, even in comprehensive sources like Rätsch.

This situation, of course, tended to act as a counter to the desired effects of the plant, which is cited as a relaxant and a sedative. Bluntly, with pictures of an agonising death in my mind, Indian warrior never had a chance.

Notwithstanding this, I can state factually that it is psychoactive, and that I did feel a calming effect, both orally (4g in tea) and smoked.

Perhaps I over-reacted somewhat, but the fear factor will deter any further experimentation.